Bayes theorem, incidence probability exercise

Conditional probability occurs when there is a possibility that an event occurs after another event has happened previously, Bayes’s theorem is a proposition that is used to calculate the probability with several conditions of an event.

For this exercise we have a call center data set of complaints and we want to calculate probabilities according to the complaints made about animals (bee threat, dangerous animal)

The question is: What is the probability that the animal report will be HIGH on a Monday early morning?

For that we calculate the HIGH and NOT HIGH animal report and all the conditions.

  • Animal complaints High and not High from Monday to Sunday
  • Animal complaints High and not High by schedules from early morning to night

After the exercise we can obtain the probabilities per day and time shift

We make a chart and see the trend lines of the probabilities.

These help us to have a pattern of possible events, which we can use for prediction or to include it as values ​​in linear, logistic or neural network regressions.

If we compare it with the same data but in a relative frequency table, we can see that the higher number probabilities do happen.