Power BI Soccer financial analysis

Analysis of financial KPIs of the football team Newpi’FC

Data analysis system on income, expenses and profitability of the result of the business model

Below is the business result of the Newpi FC soccer team of 2018, to plan the budget of the next year (2019).

From the financial area they want to know if profits have been obtained in 2018 and other interesting data that i detail below

1.Total income 84 mill €
2.Total gross margin 42 mill €
3.Total net margin -7 mill €
4.Team product sales line of business revenue 78 mill €
5.Gross margin of the team product sales line of business 55 mill €
6. Income from the football team line of business 53 mill €
7.Gross margin of the football team business line  55 mill €
8.Evolution of team product sales.
9. Top 3 best selling products.
10. Revenue from best-selling products
11. Average number of spectators at the stadium.
12. Top 3 highest grossing games
13. Top 3 games with the lowest collection.
14. Ratio of wins/losses/ties playing the home team.
5. If the team wins it gives 3 points, draw 1 and defeat 0, calculate how many points the home team scored
17. Average salary by player position